Top Security tools for AWS

According 49% of United States Small and medium sized business think their data is unsafe in the cloud.  Actually, data stored in the cloud can be safer than data storage on-premise if configured correctly.  Another surprising statistic listed in that report is three in five organizations (60%) report experiencing painful issues migrating their data to the cloud in the same way that many people find moving house painful.  BeCloud can help with the pain of migrating data to the cloud and configure it to be safer than legacy on-premise data repositories.  Amazon Web Services has a large tool set to secure data.  BeCloud has the AWS security certified specialists and experienced migration professionals on staff to lock down and move your data for you.  It can be easier to hire a moving company to move you into a new house.  Similarly, hiring BeCloud can alleviate the hassle of moving and securing data in the cloud.

  Top 3 AWS Account Security Tools

1. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

AWS IAM is a directory of users, profiles, and groups.  Proper management of permissions for least-privilege is critical for security management.  AWS IAM also supports multi-factor authentication with single sign-on (SSO) capabilities.

2. AWS CloudTrial

AWS CloudTrail is an event logging service that tracks user activity and API usage.  CloudTrail is securely managed using Control Tower across all our AWS managed services customers.

3. AWS Control Tower

AWS Control Tower provides a streamline way to manage our AWS accounts, cloud setup and governance.  IT helps BeCould to monitor compliance with dashboard visibility into organizational units, accounts, and guardrails.

Top 3 AWS Application Security Tools

1. AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF)

AWS WAF is a web application security system that protects web applications and APIs.  The service can protect application endpoints from the most common threats that could affect service availability.

2. AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Secrets Manager allows you to store sensitive credentials, certificates, and tokens.  Specifically, instead of hardcoding them in code, Lambda Scripts or Git you can securely protect that information using this service.

3. Amazon Inspector

AWS Inspector is an automated vulnerability assessment service.  This is ran to locate vulnerabilities of EC2 instances.  The scan rules are regularly updated and maintained by AWS security researchers.

Contact our AWS certified Security Specialist

Security done using AWS Best Practices requires specific AWS knowledge and experience.

James Phipps 1 November, 2021
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