Zero Trust security model simplified

You know that implementing a Zero Trust security model is important, but it's hard to get your head around how to do it.  Implementation can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. In this blog post, we'll give you a crash course in Zero Trust and show you how to get started with implementing it in your own organization.

What is Zero Trust?

Zero Trust is the one-stop shop for securing your business today. With its innovative approach to threat prevention, you can feel confident that data will always stay put in any environment—even if it’s remotely accessed or stored on a cloud provider!

Zero Trust is a security approach that assumes that all users, devices, and data are untrusted by default. It's a shift from the traditional security perimeter-based approach, where we try to keep the bad guys out, to one where we assume that they're already inside and focus on protecting data.

Why is Zero Trust important?

Zero Trust is important because it's a fundamental shift in the way we think about security. Most people think of security as a perimeter that needs to be defended at all costs. But with Zero Trust, we realize that there is no such thing as a completely secure perimeter.  So instead of trying to defend an indefensible perimeter, we focus on protecting data and identities.

Zero Trust also helps us to better manage risk. By identifying which data is most sensitive and protecting it accordingly, we can minimize the impact of a security breach. And by requiring strong authentication for all users, we can make sure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data.

Ultimately, Zero Trust is important because it's the only way to secure your data and identities. By taking a comprehensive approach to security, we can make sure that your most sensitive information is protected, while also making it easier to manage risk.

The traditional security perimeter-based approach is no longer effective in today's world of cloud, mobile and IoT.

The shift to Zero Trust is a fundamental change in the way we think about security. It's not just another buzzword; it's a whole new way of looking at things. In the olden days, before cloud and mobile and IoT, security was a lot simpler. You put up a perimeter fence and made sure that only authorized people could get through the gate. This worked well when all your data was stored on premise and people accessed it from their desktop computers. But today, things are different. Data is scattered across multiple cloud service providers, people are constantly accessing it from their mobile devices, and you now must worry about things like connected devices and BYOD. The traditional perimeter-based approach just doesn't cut it anymore. That's where Zero Trust comes in. Zero Trust is a framework for securing infrastructure and data for today's modern digital transformation. With Zero Trust, there is no central perimeter that needs to be defended. Instead, security is based on verified identity and granular access control. This approach is more effective in today's world of cloud, mobile and IoT because it assumes that attacks will happen and takes steps to prevent them at the individual user level. As a result, Zero Trust can help you keep your data safe in today's ever-changing IT landscape.

Implementing a Zero Trust security model can help your organization stay one step ahead of the bad guys.

When it comes to security, the adage "trust but verify" is no longer enough. We need to verification and authentication at every step. This is the fundamental principle of Zero Trust security.

Zero Trust security is a model in which all users, regardless of their location or device, are treated as untrusted entities. This means every user must be verified and authenticated before being given access to any data or resources.

There are many benefits to implementing a Zero Trust security model. For one, it helps to prevent data breaches. By verifying and authenticating all users, you can be sure that only authorized users have access to your data. This makes it much more difficult for attackers to get their hands on your sensitive information.

Another benefit of Zero Trust security is it can help improve your organization's overall security posture. By treating all users as untrusted entities, you're forcing them to go through a rigorous verification and authentication process. This makes it more likely that they will take security seriously and follow best practices.

Getting started with Zero Trust is easy - hire BeCloud to audit your current environment.

When it comes to security, most organizations take a reactive approach. They wait for something bad to happen, and then they try to patch the holes in their defenses. But this is no way to run a business. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to be proactive about your security. And that means getting started with Zero Trust.

The first step to implementing Zero Trust is to audit your current environment. Becloud can  help you identify where your weaknesses are and what needs to be done to close the gaps. There are a few key starting areas we focus on:

- Identity and access management: Who has access to what, and how is that access controlled?

- Data classification: How is your data being stored and protected?

- Network security: What are your perimeter defenses, and how effective are they?

Once we acquire a thorough understanding of your current security posture, we will put together a Zero Trust implementation plan. This will involve implementing modern technologies and processes to help you better secure your data. 

But it's equally about transforming the way you think about security. With Zero Trust, there are no blind spots. All users and devices are treated equally, and all traffic is inspected. This creates a much more secure environment, but it can be more complex to manage. We'll take the pain out of the process and make sure you're up and running in no time. Contact us today to get started.

BeCloud is here to help!

We provide the experience and the expertise to support your Zero Trust implementation journey.

James Phipps 10 May, 2022
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