Must know administrative commands for initial setup of  Amazon Windows FSx

Amazon FSx for Windows is a fully managed file server that provides cloud storage across multiple locations. This article will provide information on the different commands you can use to quickly set up your file system.

  1. First use the following command to open the remote session on your Amazon FSx file system from windows EC2 instance and (get the PowerShell endpoint name from the FSx console under network & security tab):
    1. enter-pssession -ComputerName "FSxPowerShellEndpoint" -ConfigurationName FsxRemoteAdmin
  2. To turn on data deduplication with the default schedule:
    1. Enable-FSxDedup
  3. To get data duplication soon after a file is created:
    1. Set-FSxDedupConfiguration -MinimumFileAgeDays 0
  4. Turn on shadow copies (allows users to recover files and folders to previous version):
    1. Set-FSxShadowStorage -Default
    2. Set-FSxShadowCopySchedule -Default -Confirm:$False
  5. Enforce encryption in transit:
    1. Set-FsxSmbServerConfiguration -EncryptData $True -RejectUnencryptedAccess $True -Confirm:$False

*More commands provided at the link below.  I listed the common ones we use.


James Phipps 28 March, 2022
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